Joanne Siciliano-Jones, Ph.D.

P.O. Box 88
Homer, NY 13077
(607) 749-5747, voice
(607) 749-5634, fax

Post Graduate Research Emphasis

Determination of the nutritive value of feedstuffs, especially forages, from digestibility analyses. Primary area of effort has been the use of digestibility data in ration balancing and hybrid valuation. Hybrid evaluation and interactions between genetics and environment has been a major focus as well.

Summary of Employment

F.A.R.M.E. Institute Inc. ------ September 1995 to present
Homer, NY

Agway, Inc./Cooperative Research Farms------ 5-88 to 8-95
Tully, NY


University of Illinois -------1985-1988
Urbana, IL

The Ohio State University------- 1982-1983
Columbus, OH

The Ohio State University------ 1979-1983
Columbus, OH