Lawrence R. Jones, Ph.D.
P.O. Box 88
Homer, NY 13077
Ph: (607)749-2568
FAX: (607)749-5634
Summary of employment
F.A.R.M.E. Institute, Inc ----- 1996-present
Homer, NY
Consultant performing special projects for agricultural companies. Specialties include statistical analysis of field research data, analysis of production records, milking parlor evaluation and optimization, and development of computer programs.
Department of Animal Science, Cornell University ----- 1989-1996
Ithaca, NY
Assistant Professor with a 60% extension and 40% research appointment in Dairy Management. Responsibilities included developing management information systems and serving as the educational liaison to the Northeast Dairy Herd Improvement Association.
IIT Research Institute ------ 1988-1989
Rome, NY
Research Scientist working in the application of artificial intelligence to agricultural problems.
University of Illinois ---- 1985-1988
Urbana, IL
Ph.D. in Animal Sciences/Dairy Herd Management; Emphasis in
Computer Science
Major Professor: Sidney L. Spahr
Thesis title: "A Natural-Language Interface for Retrieval of Information
for a Dairy Database"
University of Illinois ---- 1983-1985
Urbana, IL
M.S. in Dairy Science, Dairy Biochemistry
Major Professor: James L. Robinson
Thesis title: "Erythrocyte UMP synthase in Holstein cattle: effects of
age and physiological state."
The Ohio State University ---- 1979-1983
Columbus, OH
B.S. in Dairy Science, Cum Laude,
Distinction in Dairy Science, 1983