2000 Forage Digestibility Testing Pricelist:
1. Bypass protein, single time point (16 hours) disappearance in situ. Customer may choose a different time point. CP of original sample and in situ DMD also reported. $26 spl.
2. CNCPS Panel: Rate and extent of dry matter, NDF, NSC, and crude protein in situ. Wet Chemistry CP, DM, NDF, and Starch content of original sample reported along with a digestibility adjusted NEl value. $200/spl.
3. Rate and extent of dry matter and NDF disappearance in situ. Wet Chemistry DM, and NDF content of original sample reported along with a digestibility adjusted NEl estimate. $130/spl.
4. DMD -Single time point dry matter disappearance in situ: $17 spl. Discounted for more than 100 entries.
5. CS Survey – Developed for customers who do not use CNCPS or CPM routinely. This test is designed to pick out any problem areas in carbohydrate digestion of corn silage. Digestibility of NDF and ND solubles at 3 and 30 h is measured. Digestion of NDF at 3 h shows whether the forage has a lag in fiber digestion. Digestion of NDF and ND solubles at 30 h is a measure of digestion extent. Expected values for all measures are provided, as is a digestibility adjusted NEl estimate. Wet chemistry values for NDF and starch are reported for the original samples. $58/spl.
6. HCS Survey – Digestion of DM, NDF and CP at 16 h. Also a survey test, more suited for haycrop silages or NPN treated corn silages where protein digestibility is important. Single time point dry matter, NDF, and crude protein disappearance in situ. NDF and crude protein of original sample reported. $37/spl.
7. Quick Test – Developed as a quick survey test. Best used early in season, to survey your accounts, or if you’re unsure that forage digestibility is the problem. This test analyzes digestion of NDF and ND solubles (basically the grain & sap in the stalk) at 30 h. The test shows whether digestion of NDF and/or grain is likely to be restricting milk production. Expected values for all measures are provided, as is a digestibility adjusted NEl estimate. $28/spl.
8. CPM Quick Test – Developed under the direction of Dr. Chalupa, this is an economical test to provide input into either the CPM Dairy or CNCPS models. Basically, digestion rates for starch and NDF are estimated from single timepoints and indigestible fiber is estimated at 96 h. Expected values for all measures are provided. Wet chemistry values for NDF and starch are reported for the original samples. $82/spl.